English Course. Unit 4

Lesson 22: Airpot (Technical and Tourism English)


As you know, speaking another language is not only useful for your academic and professional environment, but also for all kinds of activities in your personal life, especially those that involve interacting with native speakers of that language, or using a common language to communicate between people of different nationalities. Traveling is one of those times when being proficient in a language like English can be especially helpful, as you are more likely to be in contact with people from all kinds of places.

In this Technical and Tourism English lesson you will learn about the airport setting, since air travel is the main means of transportation for international travel. This content will give you the foundation to know how to exchange information with other English speakers in this context in a proficient and natural way.

22.1 At the Airport

In addition to knowing the grammar of the English language to create sentences correctly, there is a certain kind of vocabulary and specific phrases that you must know so that your visit to the airport runs smoothly. Pay attention to the following video to understand part of this context.

At the Check-in Desk

Okay! After watching the video, you must have noticed some specific phrases and vocabulary. Have you heard any of them before?

Continue reading to learn more about the meaning of these phrases and words.

22.1.1 Useful Phrases and Vocabulary at the Check-in Desk

Some of the most common phrases you may hear when interacting with staff at an airport check-in desk are:

Besides the previous phrases, there is some vocabulary that may be especially useful to you when going through the check-in section of the airport. Look at the list below!

To help you better understand this vocabulary, you can look at the following examples:

The phrases and vocabulary you just reviewed will help you at the check-in section of the airport the next time you travel. However, before you can board your plane you will need to go through security. When doing so it would be very useful if you keep the following information in mind:

Going through security means you need to go to a specific location in the airport where a security officer will perform a routine check and scan your hand luggage. You must also pass through a body scanner, before entering the lounge and boarding the plane.

As with the check-in section, there are some phrases and vocabulary that may come in handy for you when going through security. Look at the next video and pay attention to the conversation to get an idea of what to expect:

Going Through Security

Do you know what the phrases and vocabulary used in the video mean? Have you heard or used these expressions before? Continue with the lesson to find out.

22.1.2 Useful Phrases and Vocabulary for Going Through Security

Some of the most common phrases you may hear when talking to the officer at the airport security checkpoint are:

As you may have noticed in the previous video, there is specific vocabulary that you can use when going through security. Pay attention to the following words so you can learn and use them.

Useful vocabulary when going through security

Now that you know the meaning of these words, take a look at the following images to find out exactly what these objects are:

Very well! Since you've come this far, it's time to review a bit of what you've learned with the following activity.

Instructions: Write the correct words to complete the sentences.

You are doing great! Now that you've reviewed some of the most commonly used vocabulary and phrases at the airport, it's time to learn how to interact with other people once you've boarded the plane. Keep reading to learn more!

22.2 On Board

After going through security and waiting in the boarding lounge, the only thing left to do is wait for your flight to be announced and then you can get on the plane. But then what? You will probably have to exchange a few words with the staff or at least know some basic phrases or vocabulary in order to know what to do. If you want to know the kind of things you could say, or learn some new words, pay attention to the next video:

On Board

22.2.1 Useful Phrases and Vocabulary on the Plane

Now that you've seen the video, take a look at some of the phrases you can hear on board, or use when talking to the flight attendant. You’ll find them useful the next time you travel by plane.

In addition to these phrases, it is also a good idea for you to know a little about what you can find on the plane. This type of vocabulary can really come in handy. Read on!

Good job! You have finished reviewing the general information on this topic, but if you want to continue learning more vocabulary and phrases related to the airport environment, the following videos contain a lot of interesting words and expressions your can use.

Airport (Technical and Tourism English)

More Useful Vocabulary at the Airport

Congratulations! Before finishing this lesson, you need to practice a little more, so focus and complete the following activities. You can do it!

Instructions: Play the memory game by matching the words with the correct picture.

Instructions: Listen carefully to the audio and complete the activity afterwards.

Late for the Flight

Running through the airport

Just one more! Finish this set of activities with a speaking exercise.

Instructions: Repeat the following sentences to practice your oral expression in English. Remember to make an effort to sound as clear and fluid as possible.

In this Technical and Tourism English lesson you learned about the general context of an airport. This has become a context especially frequented by people from different places around the world, in which knowing English has become a real necessity.

For this reason, the content of this lesson focused on teaching you vocabulary and practical phrases, which are specific to this environment. This will help you improve the way you communicate with others by increasing your knowledge of the English language.

Formative Assessment

There is only one thing left to do to conclude the topic of Airport. Take a general test to check everything you learned.

Instructions: After reviewing the content of this lesson, complete the following quiz.